Qwiklabs Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud Challenge Lab

Janvi Shree Shrimal
3 min readApr 28, 2021


Step by Step guide to solve this challenge. Can refer my YouTube video for the same : https://youtu.be/Ss7iMlKP4Wc

Qwiklabs Profile : https://run.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/5c709a0a-adf5-4f7d-9e9d-9f71d6c49c6e

Task 1 : Check the firewall rules. Remove the overly permissive rules.

Navigation menu ->VPC network->Firewall
check open-access ->delete

Task 2 : Navigate to Compute Engine in the Cloud Console and identify the bastion host. The instance should be stopped. Start the instance.

Navigation menu->Compute Engine->VM Instances
check bastion -> Start VM instance

Task 3 :The bastion host is the one machine authorized to receive external SSH traffic. Create a firewall rule that allows SSH (tcp/22) from the IAP service. The firewall rule should be enabled on bastion via a network tag.

Navigation menu->VPC network->Firewall->Create Firewall Rule
Name — allow-ssh-from-iap
Network — acme-vpc
Targets — Specified targets
Target tags — bastion
Source filter — IP ranges
Source IP ranges —
(Goto SSH (tcp/22) from the IAP service and copy Source Ip ranges.)
Protocols and ports — Specified protocols and ports
check tcp : type 22

Navigation menu ->Compute Engine ->VM instances
Click on bastion ->Edit ->Network tags = bastion

Task 4 : The juice-shop server serves HTTP traffic. Create a firewall rule that allows traffic on HTTP (tcp/80) to any address. The firewall rule should be enabled on juice-shop via a network tag.

Navigation menu ->VPC network ->Firewall-> Create Firewall Rule
Name — allow-http-ingress
Network — acme-vpc
Targets — Specified target tags
Target tags — allow-http
Source filter — IP ranges
Source IP ranges —
Protocols and ports — Specified protocols and ports
check tcp : type 80

Navigation menu ->Compute Engine ->VM Instances->Click on juice-shop->Edit
Network tags — allow-http

Task 5 : You need to connect to juice-shop from the bastion using SSH. Create a firewall rule that allows traffic on SSH (tcp/22) from acme-mgmt-subnet network address. The firewall rule should be enabled on juice-shop via a network tag.

Navigation menu ->Compute Engine ->VM Instances->Click on juice-shop->Edit
Network tags — juice-shop

Navigation menu ->VPC network ->Firewall-> Create Firewall Rule
Name — allow-ssh-for-acme-mgmt-subnet
Network — acme-vpc
Targets — Specified target tags
Target tags — bastion juice-shop
Source filter — IP ranges

Open VPC networks in the left menu in new tab
Copy IP address of acme-mgmt-subnet

Source IP ranges — [paste IP address copied here]
Protocols and ports — Specified protocols and ports
check tcp : type 22

Task 6 : In the Compute Engine instances page, click the SSH button for the bastion host. Once connected, SSH to juice-shop.

Navigation menu ->Compute Engine ->VM instances
Click SSH terminal of bastion
-> ssh [IP of juice-shop]
-> yes if asked

Congratulations you have successfully completed your challenge lab.

Don’t forget to Subscribe my YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIXiVpF8dMlWD3fwmnXiohw
Stay tuned for the next blog.
Feel free to connect me
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/janvi-shree-shrimal-9433401aa/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/janvissm
GitHub : https://github.com/Janvijain
Hoping for everyone’s support.



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